Critical Education and Digital Media

A Binomial for the Exercising of Human Rights


  • Lucia Picarella Universidad Catolica de Colombia



Education, Human Rights, Media literacy, Critical Edu-communication, Latin America


The consideration of education as a social right, a human right, and a factor of social development offer possibilities for effective responses in terms of democratization, equality, and equity to the controversial socio-cultural and socio-economic effects and consequences of the digitization and platformisation of current societies. The scope of this article is the evaluation of Latin American critical edu-communication as a transformative and institutive instrument of practices that, through the integration of digital literacy with dialogic and conscientization strategies, open spaces of democratization and protection of human rights in a context characterized by strong inequalities and the digital divide. In this sense, the analysis through a qualitative methodology of a pilot case study makes it possible to offer necessary suggestions to promote digital media education strategies and the democratization of education.

Author Biography

Lucia Picarella, Universidad Catolica de Colombia

Lucia Picarella is a Ph.D. in Theory and History of Comparative Political Institutions (University of Salerno, Italy), post-doctoral fellow and political scientist (University of Salerno, Italy). She was a Professor at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Salerno. Since 2013, she is a Senior Researcher and Full Professor at the Law Faculty of the Universidad Católica de Colombia.

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How to Cite

Picarella, L. (2024). Critical Education and Digital Media: A Binomial for the Exercising of Human Rights. Review of Human Rights, 10(1), 86–114.